Passenger carriers

Neuro-inclusion and neurodiversity training

Did you know that 20% of the population are neurodivergent and many rely on public transport? Many struggle due to non-neuro-inclusive practices, often using private transport instead. Are you ready to make your services neuro-inclusive from even before a journey begins, to journeys end? Our neurodiversity training session for passenger carriers explores your passengers experiences and equips you with the tools to pioneer truly neuro-inclusive passenger services. Our neurodiversity training enables you to increase the comfort of neurodivergent travellers, which positively affects loyalty and number of tickets purchased.

Being a neuro-inclusive passenger carrier means you can increase your ticket sales and profitability as well as supporting your climate goals too.


Throughout every stage of the passenger journey, from the initial booking process to the final arrival at their destination, our comprehensive session takes into account the unique challenges that neurodivergent travellers may encounter. We thoroughly analyse the various interactions and information that can pose difficulties for individuals with neurodiverse needs. This session provides practical and actionable advice to travel providers and colleagues on how to create a neuro-inclusive travel experience that enables individuals with neurodiverse needs to travel independently, with choice.

Course content

Passenger carrier neurodiversity and neuro-inclusion training, by Neuro Tide

  • We introduce and refresh the definition and scope of neurodiversity, then explore the common conditions. Once we have defined each of the conditions we then delve into the common strengths and challenges. You will also learn about the importance of neuro-inclusion.

  • Neurodivergent individuals, often face challenges while travelling. For instance, the bustling environment of a transportation hub or the sensory inputs during travel can trigger anxiety and discomfort. These difficulties may occur during waiting periods, when faced with unexpected disruptions, or due to overwhelming sensory stimuli. In this exploration, we will deeply delve into these specific areas, including the experience of queuing and waiting in the context of passenger travel. We provide practical guidance and strategies to alleviate these challenges and create a more neuro-inclusive travel experience.

  • Things can go wrong, and it's not always the passenger carrier's fault. However, how you deal with that disruption can put neurodivergent passengers at a disadvantage. We would like to share with you some practical techniques to support neurodivergent people who rely on your service. This includes providing information in a clear and accessible manner, ensuring it is displayed at the right time and in the right way, as well as training staff to ensure that they are knowledgeable and empowered to make neuro-inclusive adjustments.

  • It is essential to prioritise the ability of neurodivergent travellers to embark on their journeys at times that accommodate their sensory and individual needs. However, travel cards frequently impose time limitations. Furthermore, specific times of day are characterised by an influx of commuters, and certain days, such as Friday nights, can be particularly overwhelming on certain routes. Here we share guidance and strategies to ensure that travel is inclusive and considerate of neurodiverse individuals.

  • Given the right information, neurodivergent passengers can effectively plan and adapt their travel arrangements. However, such information is often challenging to find and access. We share best practices related to providing details about journeys and options for greater flexibility. Additionally, digital timetables may not be consistently available, and a clear understanding of the route and required stations or stops is essential. We also share inclusive techniques and practical advice to enhance the accessibility of travel for all individuals.

  • Ensuring accessibility for all passengers, including those who are neurodivergent, is crucial in transportation systems. This includes paying attention to the clarity and visibility of signage throughout the entire journey. Whether it's a temporary bus stop, a tube or train platform, or departure points, signage needs to be prominent and easily understandable. We share with you some practical guidance on how to make this neuro-inclusive. Additionally, we also share guidance on how to support neurodivergent passengers, it's important to provide specific guidance on signage design and placement. For example, using clear and unambiguous language, incorporating visual aids, and ensuring consistency in signage across different locations can significantly enhance the experience for neurodivergent individuals. We also support your knowledge of the importance of clearly marked departure points and numbers that can alleviate uncertainty and anxiety. By addressing these aspects and sharing techniques and practical guidance, you will be able to create an environment that promotes independent and stress-free navigation for neurodivergent passengers, positively impacting their overall well-being.

  • Neurodivergent people may accidentally purchase the wrong ticket due to their neurodivergence and should not be penalised with fees as a result when they wish to transfer date etc. These fees are often referred to as the "ADHD tax" or ‘neurodivesity tax’due to the extra costs associated with a neurodivergent condition. We will explore why this is a challenge and what can be done to make this neuro-inclusive. Additionally, we will discuss how sometimes a ticket will not be used because of overwhelming anxiety, such as for those with autism, and we will explore what can be done to make this neuro-inclusive, offering some other related practical guidance too.

Woven throughout the session

Personal stories and case studies

Throughout the session, the facilitator shares their personal stories as someone living with ADHD and autism. These real-life experiences are woven together with case studies and throughout the session to provide a comprehensive understanding.

Practical guidance and reasonable adjustments

It's essential to deepen your understanding of neurodivergence and also explore reasonable adjustments and new approaches to tasks, all of which will be shared during the session. Always tailored for the audience and your goals and themes.

Questions and answers

Depending on the session and your needs, these can be throughout or at the end. But there is always time during the session, and you can ask us anytime later anything you need to help your understanding and application of what you learn.

Learning outcomes

  • A greater practical awareness of neurodiversity within your passenger transportation context.

  • A greater ability to enhance the inclusion of neurodivergent travellers who you serve.

  • By enhancing your network's ability to support independent travel for neurodivergent individuals, you are not only fostering inclusivity but also paving the way for their success. When neurodivergent passengers are free to choose when and how they travel, they have greater freedom for a successful career and therefore neuro-inclusion enables success.

    When neurodivergent passengers want to travel with you and experience a pleasurable journey they will buy tickets again, ensuring increased profitability and longevity.

Technology, timings & availability

  • For webinars, client will host on their virtual meeting tool. Neuro Tide can host if required.

  • Session length is one hour. This includes Q&A and conversations.

  • The training is available on demand upon request. Webinar, in-person talk, or in-person workshop.

Passenger transport is a critical aspect of societal inclusion and accessibility. It should be made available to individuals from all socio-economic backgrounds, ensuring that financial constraints do not serve as a barrier to accessing transportation services. Proximity to transport hubs and the availability of necessary facilities should be considered to provide convenient and equitable access to all. Furthermore, special attention should be given to the unique needs of neurodivergent individuals, many of whom do not drive and therefore depend on reliable transport options. By addressing these considerations, we can create an inclusive transport system that empowers all members of society to travel without facing any disadvantages.

We have plenty of suitable neurodiversity training sessions

6 people seated, aged approximately 25 to 35 years.. They are in a semi-circle looking at a female and male. This is a training session. The delegates have notepads as they sit in the white brick walled industrial type room. The whiteboard is blank.