Training the trainers

Neuro-inclusion and neurodiversity training

In your upcoming training session, it's essential to keep in mind that approximately one in every five individuals is statistically considered neurodivergent. As a trainer, it's crucial to be equipped with the knowledge and strategies to ensure that all participants can effectively engage with and understand the training materials. Different learning styles and specific conditions may require diverse approaches to accommodate everyone's needs and ensure that they are able to grasp the knowledge presented.

By incorporating neuro-inclusive training techniques, individuals will feel empowered, experience a sense of belonging, and be able to express their authentic selves, ultimately leading to a positive impact on their overall wellbeing.


In this empowering session, we will explore how trainers can create an inclusive learning environment for all by focusing on neuro-inclusive training techniques. We will also delve into the importance of ensuring that discussions and activities cater to the needs of neurodivergent learners. You will learn how to evaluate your sessions, enable feedback from neurodivergent attendees, and provide the necessary support for trainers. Let's embark on this journey to make your training sessions accessible and neuro-inclusive.

Course content

Training the trainers in neurodiversity and neuro-inclusion training session, by Neuro Tide

  • Here, we define and explore the term 'neurodiversity' to establish a solid foundation for this session. Additionally, we will examine the common challenges and strengths, providing clear insights into these conditions. Additionally we explore some myths and help you understand the fact rather than the myth.

  • When supporting neurodivergent learners, it's important to understand communication differences in order to adapt effectively. This includes written, verbal, imagery, and working memory elements that can all influence learning. We will also explore the types and styles of questions, including abstract, theory, and self-analysis, and share some example questions and other guidance. While we will delve into learning styles in more detail later, here we focus on discussing the challenges and strengths associated with learning.

  • From the perspective of neurodivergent learners, we consider confidence, address anxiety, when and how pre-event and on the day information is supplied. We also explore managing overwhelm. We also focus on sensory challenges to ensure that the training environment is neuro-inclusive and that the learner is comfortable.

  • We will start by examining learning styles and effective communication techniques and interaction guidance. This will provide a solid foundation for our exploration of engaging and neuro-inclusive training methods. In this section, we will also discuss how to modify training methods and materials to accommodate neurodivergent learners. In our consideration of everyone's well-being, we also take into account the importance of breaks and the timing of each session.

  • In this discussion, we will delve into the best ways to organise a training session specifically tailored to neurodivergent learners, taking into account the potential benefits of interactive and practical teaching methods. Additionally, we will emphasise the significance of integrating real-world examples and case studies into your content, offering guidance on when and how to effectively incorporate them.

  • Participation and engagement are crucial in all training sessions. In this discussion, we will explore how to encourage neurodivergent trainees to actively participate rather than be passive learners. We will also address how to handle sensitive topics in a safe environment, especially for neurodivergent learners. Throughout the session, we will focus on understanding group dynamics and ensuring that everyone is included and able to contribute to a safe and open learning environment.

  • It's crucial to ensure that your neurodivergent learners are included, but it's equally important to take care of your trainers. In this section, we will discuss the importance of providing trainers with the most current topic materials, including research on neurodiversity. To further support your trainers, ongoing training on neurodiversity and neuro-inclusion is essential to empower and build confidence, ultimately enhancing neuro-inclusion. We will also explore the importance of establishing a support network for trainers, which includes access to neurodiversity experts for guidance and support when needed.

  • How can you determine if your training is effective? Essentially, you won't know unless you measure its impact over the short, medium, and long term. We will delve into methods for doing so, including post-training assessments that are inclusive of neurodiverse individuals, observing the evolution of workplace practices, and gathering feedback from neurodivergent trainees to improve future training techniques and approaches.

Woven throughout the session

Personal stories and case studies

Throughout the session, the facilitator shares their personal stories as someone living with ADHD and autism. These real-life experiences are woven together with case studies and throughout the session to provide a comprehensive understanding.

Practical guidance and reasonable adjustments

It's essential to deepen your understanding of neurodivergence and also explore reasonable adjustments and new approaches to tasks, all of which will be shared during the session. Always tailored for the audience and your goals and themes.

Questions and answers

Depending on the session and your needs, these can be throughout or at the end. But there is always time during the session, and you can ask us anytime later anything you need to help your understanding and application of what you learn.

Learning outcomes

  • A greater practical awareness of neurodiversity and neuro-inclusion from a training perspective

  • A greater ability to enhance the inclusion of neurodivergent learners within your sessions.

  • A greater ability to ensure neurodivergent people can thrive and be successful, not just within the training sessions, but also in a more wider context because of the session, and thus enhancing society.

Technology, timings & availability

  • For webinars, client will host on their virtual meeting tool. Neuro Tide can host if required.

  • Session length is two hours. This includes Q&A and conversations.

  • The training is available on demand upon request. Webinar, in-person talk, or in-person workshop.

Neurodivergent people have a wide range of talents for learning and possess intelligence levels similar to those of the neurotypical population. To make progress, we need to learn and then be able to apply that knowledge. While some people can learn very quickly, others need more time. Some people need to read, while others may be more practical. In all cases, the content and the environment need to be neuro-inclusive. When we learn, we empower ourselves and society. We all need to learn, we all want to learn, and we all have the capacity for learning. However, we all learn in different ways, and inclusive learning is the only type of learning.

We have plenty of suitable neurodiversity training sessions

6 people seated, aged approximately 25 to 35 years.. They are in a semi-circle looking at a female and male. This is a training session. The delegates have notepads as they sit in the white brick walled industrial type room. The whiteboard is blank.